Terrorism /terrorism Terrorism en-US Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:03:16 GMT Editorial: Honoring 9/11 — A legacy of remembrance, unity and vigilance /9-11/editorial-honoring-9-11-a-legacy-of-remembrance-unity-and-vigilance For the nearly 3,000 victims, we owe it to their memory to ensure their stories are not forgotten Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:03:16 GMT /9-11/editorial-honoring-9-11-a-legacy-of-remembrance-unity-and-vigilance 9/11 books: First responders share their stories /9-11/9-11-books-first-responders-share-their-stories Books about the catastrophic 9/11 attacks and the long return to normalcy are crucial to the historical record of those we lost and how we moved forward Wed, 04 Sep 2024 18:00:08 GMT /9-11/9-11-books-first-responders-share-their-stories Trump assassination attempt: 7 patient assessment reminders /patient-assessment/trump-assassination-attempt-7-patient-assessment-reminders The death of a firefighter attendee and the wounding of three others, including former President Trump, is a tragic reminder of gunshot wound assessment and treatment challenges Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:31:45 GMT /patient-assessment/trump-assassination-attempt-7-patient-assessment-reminders Editorial: Honoring 9/11 — A legacy of remembrance, unity and vigilance /9-11/editorial-honoring-9-11-a-legacy-of-remembrance-unity-and-vigilance For the nearly 3,000 victims, we owe it to their memory to ensure their stories are not forgotten Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:03:16 GMT /9-11/editorial-honoring-9-11-a-legacy-of-remembrance-unity-and-vigilance 9/11 books: First responders share their stories /9-11/9-11-books-first-responders-share-their-stories Books about the catastrophic 9/11 attacks and the long return to normalcy are crucial to the historical record of those we lost and how we moved forward Wed, 04 Sep 2024 18:00:08 GMT /9-11/9-11-books-first-responders-share-their-stories N.Y. lawmakers seek death penalty for 9/11 mastermind /9-11/n-y-lawmakers-seek-death-penalty-for-9-11-mastermind Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently revoked the plea deal for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that would have spared his life Mon, 12 Aug 2024 19:41:39 GMT /9-11/n-y-lawmakers-seek-death-penalty-for-9-11-mastermind Trump assassination attempt: 7 patient assessment reminders /patient-assessment/trump-assassination-attempt-7-patient-assessment-reminders The death of a firefighter attendee and the wounding of three others, including former President Trump, is a tragic reminder of gunshot wound assessment and treatment challenges Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:31:45 GMT /patient-assessment/trump-assassination-attempt-7-patient-assessment-reminders NYC marks 1993 World Trade Center bombing anniversary /terrorism/nyc-marks-1993-world-trade-center-bombing-anniversary A bomb in a van in the underground parking garage exploded killing six people, injuring over 1,000 Mon, 26 Feb 2024 16:50:05 GMT /terrorism/nyc-marks-1993-world-trade-center-bombing-anniversary Boston officials approve $13M anti-terror grant /legislation-funding/boston-officials-approve-13m-anti-terror-grant The U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant funds counter-terrorism operations for nine cities, towns Thu, 01 Feb 2024 16:23:40 GMT /legislation-funding/boston-officials-approve-13m-anti-terror-grant Boston public safety officials ask mayor to release $13M anti-terror fund /public-safety/boston-public-safety-officials-ask-mayor-to-release-13m-anti-terror-fund Officials call for Mayor Wu to unfreeze funds after new warnings of lone-actor” threats around the holidays Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:07:07 GMT /public-safety/boston-public-safety-officials-ask-mayor-to-release-13m-anti-terror-fund Fla. firefighters, paramedics prepare to go to Israel /international/articles/fla-firefighters-paramedics-prepare-to-go-to-israel-yEN8TYKmomi8yS6l/ Miami Beach officials approved the deployment of 12 firefighters overseas Thu, 19 Oct 2023 18:08:11 GMT /international/articles/fla-firefighters-paramedics-prepare-to-go-to-israel-yEN8TYKmomi8yS6l/ United Hatzalah’s Dov Maisel recounts the volunteer EMS operation in Israel /international/articles/united-hatzalahs-dov-maisel-recounts-the-volunteer-ems-operation-in-israel-uZhVsUIUmqeoYecw/ “Just try to wrap your thoughts around having 3, 4, 5, 10 gunshot wound patients thrown at you – at one or two medics with one ambulance.” Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:27:32 GMT /international/articles/united-hatzalahs-dov-maisel-recounts-the-volunteer-ems-operation-in-israel-uZhVsUIUmqeoYecw/ How you can help first responders in Israel /international/articles/how-you-can-help-first-responders-in-israel-7MQTwseZy4q9QYkL/ Emergency services organizations are struggling to meet the escalating needs for medical supplies, equipment and vehicles Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:42:51 GMT /international/articles/how-you-can-help-first-responders-in-israel-7MQTwseZy4q9QYkL/ Under attack: Israel’s national EMS treat the wounded under fire /international/articles/under-attack-israels-national-ems-treat-the-wounded-under-fire-VfN9mXvEcQ6H1cqq/ Magen David Adom paramedics and EMTs are being targeted as they assist the victims of the terrorist attack Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:19:48 GMT /international/articles/under-attack-israels-national-ems-treat-the-wounded-under-fire-VfN9mXvEcQ6H1cqq/ Families outraged over possible plea deal for mastermind of 9/11 attack /9-11/articles/families-outraged-over-possible-plea-deal-for-mastermind-of-911-attack-CqX3u9o0spkAlSoQ/ Prosecutors say Khalid Sheikh Mohammed may not face the death penalty Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:43:21 GMT /9-11/articles/families-outraged-over-possible-plea-deal-for-mastermind-of-911-attack-CqX3u9o0spkAlSoQ/ Bureaucratic red tape delaying approval of uterine cancers as 9/11 illnesses, advocates say /9-11/articles/bureaucratic-red-tape-delaying-approval-of-uterine-cancers-as-911-illnesses-advocates-say-6MSDIygm58KZv8FH/ At least 50 women who worked as first responders at Ground Zero and those who were nearby may receive coverage from the World Trade Center Health Program Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:38:58 GMT /9-11/articles/bureaucratic-red-tape-delaying-approval-of-uterine-cancers-as-911-illnesses-advocates-say-6MSDIygm58KZv8FH/ ‘I remember one thought as we learned another plane was coming’ /9-11/articles/i-remember-one-thought-as-we-learned-another-plane-was-coming-uoBHG3gQLOpIFplF/ A FF/paramedic captain recounts hunkering down with victims at the Pentagon on 9/11 while expecting another attack Wed, 07 Sep 2022 15:59:18 GMT /9-11/articles/i-remember-one-thought-as-we-learned-another-plane-was-coming-uoBHG3gQLOpIFplF/ ‘Never forget’: meaning, purpose and emphasis /9-11/articles/never-forget-meaning-purpose-and-emphasis-fdVx9FrVoxw2CtsQ/ Cebollero, Dudley and Ludwig discuss honoring the legacy of 9/11 Tue, 06 Sep 2022 20:55:04 GMT /9-11/articles/never-forget-meaning-purpose-and-emphasis-fdVx9FrVoxw2CtsQ/ Cyberattackers are coming for public safety; prepare now /cybersecurity/articles/cyberattackers-are-coming-for-public-safety-prepare-now-75YuF5gNYhEYqBME/ Organizations and citizens have a “shared responsibility” to defend their data, computer hardware and software systems from ransomware attacks Mon, 14 Jun 2021 14:28:18 GMT /cybersecurity/articles/cyberattackers-are-coming-for-public-safety-prepare-now-75YuF5gNYhEYqBME/ Remembrance ceremony held on 26th anniversary of Oklahoma City bombing /memorial/articles/remembrance-ceremony-held-on-26th-anniversary-of-oklahoma-city-bombing-PuYkHlbyCnQ2hFuv/ The hybrid virtual and in-person ceremony honored the 168 people killed in the terrorist attack on April 19, 1995 Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:43:30 GMT /memorial/articles/remembrance-ceremony-held-on-26th-anniversary-of-oklahoma-city-bombing-PuYkHlbyCnQ2hFuv/ In the commander's chair: EMS One-Stop With Rob Lawrence /mass-casualty-incidents-mci/articles/in-the-commanders-chair-ems-one-stop-with-rob-lawrence-9WmV3VgoowdIubkO/ Jason Killens, chief executive of the UK's Welsh Ambulance Service, discusses the complexity of response to an 800 casualty incident across four separate locations Fri, 20 Nov 2020 22:05:39 GMT /mass-casualty-incidents-mci/articles/in-the-commanders-chair-ems-one-stop-with-rob-lawrence-9WmV3VgoowdIubkO/ In the commander's chair /incident-management/articles/in-the-commanders-chair-o1yShC8WApPq3lXZ/ Lessons for the incident commander gleaned from the 7/7 2005 London terrorist attack Tue, 10 Nov 2020 21:03:15 GMT /incident-management/articles/in-the-commanders-chair-o1yShC8WApPq3lXZ/ How 9/11 changed EMS and what the future holds /sept11-20years/articles/how-911-changed-ems-and-what-the-future-holds-sShHyMSieymfvyWE/ We revisit a special episode in which our co-hosts discuss the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Fri, 11 Sep 2020 18:40:32 GMT /sept11-20years/articles/how-911-changed-ems-and-what-the-future-holds-sShHyMSieymfvyWE/ Lawyer: Only 1 paramedic on scene in 1st 40 minutes after Manchester bombing /terrorism-wmd-response/articles/lawyer-only-1-paramedic-on-scene-in-1st-40-minutes-after-manchester-bombing-hQl1kO2ETmhogUrv/ A British court was told during an inquiry into the 2017 terrorist attack that police officers pleaded for ambulances as concertgoers carried victims on makeshift stretchers Wed, 09 Sep 2020 17:17:17 GMT /terrorism-wmd-response/articles/lawyer-only-1-paramedic-on-scene-in-1st-40-minutes-after-manchester-bombing-hQl1kO2ETmhogUrv/ ISIS tried to sell fake PPE to first responders, DOJ says /coronavirus-covid-19/articles/isis-tried-to-sell-fake-ppe-to-first-responders-doj-says-BTrzgkocZlS58omf/ The Department of Justice said at least one U.S. customer seeking to purchase PPE for fire departments, hospitals and nursing homes was offered 100,000 N95 masks Fri, 14 Aug 2020 18:06:17 GMT /coronavirus-covid-19/articles/isis-tried-to-sell-fake-ppe-to-first-responders-doj-says-BTrzgkocZlS58omf/ Video tribute honors Oklahoma bombing victims amid outbreak /mass-casualty-incidents-mci/articles/video-tribute-honors-oklahoma-bombing-victims-amid-outbreak-V0RLSeJsCFOYDiYR/ The tribute included the reading of the names of the 168 who died followed by 168 seconds of silence Sun, 19 Apr 2020 18:13:33 GMT /mass-casualty-incidents-mci/articles/video-tribute-honors-oklahoma-bombing-victims-amid-outbreak-V0RLSeJsCFOYDiYR/ International Public Safety Association to host 2 free webinars for first responders /emergency-preparedness/articles/international-public-safety-association-to-host-2-free-webinars-for-first-responders-xD4AJ0BksZ7GWcQl/ The webinars will cover security for places of worship and how to prepare for complex attacks Tue, 14 May 2019 18:08:17 GMT /emergency-preparedness/articles/international-public-safety-association-to-host-2-free-webinars-for-first-responders-xD4AJ0BksZ7GWcQl/ NSC releases responder resources for ‘fourth generation agent’ incidents /hazmat/articles/nsc-releases-responder-resources-for-fourth-generation-agent-incidents-tqtlDpnNbagbnGQO/ The National Security Council developed resources to help first responders prepare for and respond to a fourth generation agent incident Thu, 24 Jan 2019 17:48:43 GMT /hazmat/articles/nsc-releases-responder-resources-for-fourth-generation-agent-incidents-tqtlDpnNbagbnGQO/ MRSA, fentanyl, bed bugs: What are you bringing home with you? /ems-products/fentanyl-protection/articles/mrsa-fentanyl-bed-bugs-what-are-you-bringing-home-with-you-elphCngvpQ9DraDr/ Limit your exposure and clean the ambulance and your clothing before heading home after shift to avoid contaminating your home and loved ones Tue, 22 Jan 2019 22:19:21 GMT /ems-products/fentanyl-protection/articles/mrsa-fentanyl-bed-bugs-what-are-you-bringing-home-with-you-elphCngvpQ9DraDr/ Trump assassination attempt: 7 patient assessment reminders /patient-assessment/trump-assassination-attempt-7-patient-assessment-reminders The death of a firefighter attendee and the wounding of three others, including former President Trump, is a tragic reminder of gunshot wound assessment and treatment challenges Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:31:45 GMT /patient-assessment/trump-assassination-attempt-7-patient-assessment-reminders 4 things EMS providers must know about crush syndrome /patient-handling/articles/4-things-ems-providers-must-know-about-crush-syndrome-iGLMvsYAEi0JZael/ Crush syndrome can be expected following any event where patients are trapped for a length of time Thu, 04 Mar 2010 17:09:39 GMT /patient-handling/articles/4-things-ems-providers-must-know-about-crush-syndrome-iGLMvsYAEi0JZael/ Blast injuries: 4 types EMS providers need to know /ems-training/articles/blast-injuries-4-types-ems-providers-need-to-know-kZROn8iPonrbJBYn/ EMS providers will be called upon to mitigate the effects of bombings and other incidents involving the use of explosive devices Mon, 05 Jun 2017 15:21:31 GMT /ems-training/articles/blast-injuries-4-types-ems-providers-need-to-know-kZROn8iPonrbJBYn/ EMS coverage for mass gatherings and public events /ems-products/incident-management/articles/ems-coverage-for-mass-gatherings-and-public-events-KQdJ0H4MfeULbEtS/ Understand the factors that impact crowd safety and how to prepare your agency for protecting the public at a mass gathering or special event Thu, 27 Aug 2015 20:51:27 GMT /ems-products/incident-management/articles/ems-coverage-for-mass-gatherings-and-public-events-KQdJ0H4MfeULbEtS/ Editorial: Honoring 9/11 — A legacy of remembrance, unity and vigilance /9-11/editorial-honoring-9-11-a-legacy-of-remembrance-unity-and-vigilance For the nearly 3,000 victims, we owe it to their memory to ensure their stories are not forgotten Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:03:16 GMT /9-11/editorial-honoring-9-11-a-legacy-of-remembrance-unity-and-vigilance